
You, the client, are my priority.

Active listening, encouragement, validation, and support are just part of being truly seen and heard in my practice. There will be times when you will receive understanding and times that you will be challenged by me. Whatever the circumstance, you can be assured that you will have someone on your side and by your side, motivating you to forge forward towards health and healing. 

I am accepting new clients that are women ages 18 and older.

Appointments are either in-person in Creve Coeur, MO or Chesterfield, MO or via HIPPA compliant telehealth, unless otherwise noted. I offer a free, 20-minute, phone consultation before we schedule your first appointment to help determine if we are a “good fit”. Before being seen in the office for any initial appointment, you will need to complete some paperwork. Before being seen in the office for any initial appointment, you will need to complete some paperwork that will be forwarded to you. This will help me in getting to know you and help us to determine areas of strength and areas of struggle.

Traditional Individual Counseling

I offer one-on-one, 60-minute and extended-time, counseling appointments. Women come to see me with a wide spectrum of issues and challenges. The first session or two will consist of you talking quite a bit about your history, answering questions, and relaying the reasons why you have sought treatment. It is also a time for you to ask questions of me, so that we can get familiar with one another.

After this, you and I will identify the challenges you face, your strengths, the goals of counseling, and what you would like to accomplish during our time together. When we meet, we will work collaboratively to allow you to refresh, renew, and revitalize both your spirit and your strength. Although the trail will have its twists and turns, and its peaks and valleys, please remember that you are not alone in this journey. I am here to support and guide you every step of the way. Together, we will navigate the paths of healing, growth, and empowerment, as you embrace the incredible potential within you. 

A typical session will last approximately 60-minutes and the duration of treatment will be determined by the rate of your progress and the achievement of your goals. Payment is due at the time of the session 

20-minute phone consultation = free of charge 

Fee for standard 60-minute counseling session = $135.00

Fee for extended-time sessions = vary with amount of time 

What is EMDR?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. You may have heard of this technique referred to as the therapy where you do the “eye thing” or the one that is kind of like “hypnosis”. It is actually a psychotherapy approach that is used to help people heal from trauma or adversities such as issues of abuse, bullying, domestic violence, grief/loss, attachment wounds, PTSD and many other complicated issues. EMDR was founded several decades ago and is now recognized as a research and evidence-based therapy for use in counseling.

The theory behind EMDR is that during certain times in our lives, we have experienced difficult, hard, and/or traumatic events that we were not prepared or able to handle because we were too young, we were not our best at the time, or the incident was really severe. These become unresolved memories that can be triggered in the present day by circumstances similar to the original event. With EMDR, we will search for the unresolved memories, or root causes, related to your current symptoms or disturbances and target them for reprocessing. By stimulating both hemispheres of the brain (BLS) via eye movements, auditory tones, or tactile sensation, the brain is able to reprocess the experience and store the targeted memory in a healthy, resolved manner. The uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, sensations, and negative beliefs fade and you will likely get much better. And the really good news is that this change can happen more quickly than traditional talk therapy.

EMDR Services

  • Standard EMDR

    The initial session will consist of my obtaining a history from you and a very thorough gathering of significant positive and negative events from your life, as well as past and present influencers. After we map out these parts of your life, we will discuss what we will “target” for therapy. I will spend time educating you about EMDR, answering your questions, and obtaining your informed consent. Subsequent sessions will consist of identifying the equipment that you prefer to use for the bilateral stimulation (BLS), installing resources, practicing coping strategies, establishing grounding techniques, and preparing for the EMDR treatments. Once we feel like you are ready to proceed, we will bring up the different targets individually and reprocess them by using the EMDR BLS protocol. Completion of the reprocessing of a target can take 1, 2, or 3 or more sessions depending on the complexity and depth of the issue, as well as other factors.

    A routine session will be 60-minutes, however, I usually recommend 90-minute sessions due to the time it takes to start the appointment and align the target. After you are settled and ready to proceed with EMDR, there is about 60-minutes left for reprocessing during these longer meetings. With the 60-minute sessions, often there is no more than 20-30 minutes for reprocessing.

    Free 20-minute phone consultation

    Fee for standard EMDR 60-minute session = $150.00

    Fee for standard EMDR 90-minute session = $175.00

  • Process-Oriented Somatic Psychotherapy with EMDR (Natural Processing or NP)

    This therapy combines aspects of Somatic Psychotherapy with EMDR. Somatic Psychotherapy focuses on the body, its movements, lack of movements, and sensations in the present moment, although the focus may be on an event or experience from the past. The first session will consist of you providing me with your history. Additionally, I will go over information about both NP and EMDR. You will have time to ask questions and sign an informed consent for the therapies. In successive appointments you will be able to trial various methods of bilateral stimulation (BLS), select the one that you believe will work best for you, and expand your resilience by learning and performing coping methods and grounding skills. The treatment may begin after you are fully resourced. BLS is applied when you are in the proper state of presence and awareness. Much of the time is spent with you noticing sensations in your body and any corresponding emotions that accompany them. I will be tracking this information and “noticing” any outward movements, expressions, or data that occurs during the treatment. The addition of BLS enhances and expands the detail of your experience, and the overall description that is afforded to me. For further information on EMDR, please refer to the section on EMDR Therapy and Standard EMDR Therapy. An appointment utilizing Natural Processing lasts for 90-minutes. Online sessions are available only after attending several appointments in-person.

    Free 20-minute phone consultation

    Fee for 90-minute session = $200.00

Featured Product

Featured Product

What is an EMDR Intensive? 

An EMDR Intensive is an accelerated form of EMDR that helps you go deeper in a shorter amount of time, so that you start feeling much better more rapidly. Instead of meeting weekly for 2-3 months at least, we would meet for 3 hours on 1, 2, or 3 days in a week, or weekly for 2-3 consecutive weeks. 

FAQs with EMDR Intensives

  • You want to experience relief from the negative effects of previous or recent traumas, difficult experiences, or stressful events NOW. You are receiving weekly therapy, but you are feeling stuck in your progress and are wanting a break-through. You have tried other therapies in the past, but don’t feel like you got to the root of the problem. You are desiring a life-changing experience through therapy.

  • EMDR Intensives tend to be more effective and efficient than their shorter-time counterparts. We take the time of weeks of therapy and condense them into 1, 2, or 3 days. By doing so, you will get results in a shorter amount of time and start feeling better more rapidly. For instance, with a normal 60-minute appointment, you do a session check-in of at least 15 minutes and a session wrap-up for at least another 15 minutes. That leaves approximately 30 minutes for reprocessing. If you do a one-day, 3 hour Intensive, you will have over 2.5 hours of deep reprocessing work. That would be 5 of the 60-minute sessions, or over 1 month of therapy, as opposed to 1 day of an Intensive. With a 90-minute appointment, you have approximately 60 minutes for reprocessing. Again, that would be 3 of the 90-minute sessions, or close to 1 month of therapy, as opposed to 1 day of an Intensive.

  • The first step in an EMDR Intensive is to contact me through my website, email, or phone. We will schedule a free, 20-minute phone consultation to discuss your situation and determine if an EMDR Intensive is appropriate and the best option for you. If it is decided that we move forward with the EMDR Intensive during that call, we can schedule all of the components of the EMDR Intensive Package: the 90-minute, pre-intensive meeting; the actual EMDR Intensive itself; and a 90-minute, post-intensive follow-up session. A 50% deposit will be due at the time of scheduling the EMDR Intensive package. The remaining balance will be due on the first day of the EMDR Intensive prior to its start.

Components of the EMDR Intensive Packages 

Each item of the package will be designed to fit you and your needs. 

Free, 20-Minute Phone Consultation

This phone consultation will enable you and I to determine if an EMDR Intensive is appropriate and the best option for you. If it is, we can schedule the other meetings and sessions of the package. A 50% deposit is required to secure your scheduled appointments. After the phone consultation, you will receive a Personalized EMDR Intensive Workbook.

Personalized EMDR Intensive Workbook and Paperwork

You will receive a Workbook via email, that has been personalized just for you. Inside, you will find assignments, assessments, and activities that need to be completed and returned to me at least 72 hours prior to the Pre-Intensive Meeting. The Workbook aids in your preparation for the EMDR Intensive and provides me with valuable information about you, aspects of your history, supports that you have, and the issue(s) that bring you in. The Workbook also includes a section for you to record any changes or progress that you note during our times together. These may be directly or indirectly related to your goals for the EMDR Intensive. Additionally, you will receive administrative paperwork that must be completed and returned with the Workbook. 

90-Minute, Pre-Intensive Meeting

This is a 90-minute interview that allows us to meet one another before the EMDR Intensive. We will review some of the responses you made in the Workbook, as well as results from some of the assessments. We will identify the area(s) in your life that you desire to target during the Intensive. Typically, this will be the memory that causes you the most distress, difficulty, and/or pain. In turn, we will thoughtfully develop your goals for the EMDR Intensive. In addition, we will help you prepare for the Intensive. This will entail instructions about what to do prior to the EMDR Intensive to ensuring that you are well-equipped and resourced for the experience. 

3-Hour EMDR Intensive

The Intensive will be for 1, 2, or 3 days, depending upon what was decided and agreed upon previously. The EMDR Intensive will be held in my office in Creve Coeur, Missouri. The remaining balance for the EMDR Intensive will be collected prior to the start of the reprocessing. We will touch base and check-in before we start, and I will

answer any questions that you have about the treatment as well. We will then commence reprocessing the target that was identified in the Pre-Intensive Meeting. If it is discovered during the course of treatment that additional resourcing would be beneficial, adjustments will be made to incorporate this during the course of the EMDR Intensive. Breaks or pauses in the treatment will be at your request or can be planned in advance of the Intensive. 

90-Minute Post-Intensive Interview

A 90-minute session is arranged approximately 2-weeks after the EMDR Intensive. During this meeting, we will review the Intensive, assess the progress made towards and/or achievement of the selected goals, and discuss any additional gains or reprocessing of the target since the actual EMDR Intensive. You can share your reflections of the experience, focusing on any insights, revelations, or transformations that have occurred along the way. We will explore how you will incorporate the new findings into your life. In addition, we can assess if any further therapy or intensives are desired in the future and recommendations will be offered to assist you in your continued growth and healing.

EMDR Intensive Packages and Investments 

Each package comes with a free consultative phone call, a personalized workbook and supplemental forms, a 90-minute pre-Intensive session, resourcing strategies and skills, 3 hours of individualized treatment each day (package number corresponds to number of days of treatment included), a 90-minute post-Intensive session. Intensives may be done on weekdays or weekends. Please note that weekend rates will be higher and include a Friday and/or Saturday.

EMDR Intensive Packages

Package #1

One day

8 hours total

6 hours face-to-face

Rates starting at $1800

Package #2

Two days

11 hours total

9 hours face-to-face

Rates starting at $2475

Package #3

Three days

14 hours total

12 hours fact-to-face

Rates starting at $3150

Courageous Counseling Theater Seats Speaking Engagements

Speaking Engagements

If you would like to have a speaker at your church, women’s group, or organization, please contact me by phone or email. I offer seminars, lectures, and/or discussions on many of the topics that are addressed in my practice. Four weeks advance notice is required in most circumstances, and payment is due in advance or at the time of the presentation. Please contact me to inquire about retreats as well. 

Fee for speaking engagements vary by topic, location, size of group, and length of services.

Group Counseling

Various groups are offered at different times of the year. Groups may be therapy-focused or psycho-educational. Typically, these groups are small and consist of 4-8 participants. However, it is possible to have up to 14 persons in a psycho-educational group that meets once or twice. There are specific rules that each individual must agree to before becoming an eligible member of the group, including a confidentiality clause. Additionally, participants complete a screening phone call prior to being enrolled into the group. The length of the group depends upon the focus and format of the group. Payment is due in full before the start of the first session. 

Fee for initial 20-minute phone consultation/screening call = Free 

Fees will vary, but will typically be between $40-$60 per session. Most groups will last 1-8 sessions. 

You may have a plethora of questions.

Are you wondering about the confidentiality of your appointments?

Concerned about the cancellation policies?

How about the payment options?